Full Membership
Vienna Aquatic Club is comprised of 450 shares, each of which is owned by a member. When maintained in good standing by paying dues, each share entitles a household to the annual use of the VAC facilities throughout the summer swim season. Additionally, a member may vote at VAC meetings: one share, one vote.
Becoming a member requires purchasing a share from VAC with a cash payment at the then-current share price. A share not purchased directly from VAC is not valid for membership.
If a member decides to terminate membership, the share must be sold back to VAC. The share cannot be sold to a prospective member except when it is part of a real estate transaction and the prospective member is moving into the home where the share is "currently located". In these circumstances, VAC must still approve the sale.
Each year by March 15, a member must pay the per-share annual dues amount as determined by the Board. If the dues are not paid by March 15, a late fee is applied. If dues are not paid by April 15, the share can be sold without the shareholder's consent.
Also, each year, a member may elect to "lease" the share to a non-member. Such an election is subject to a non-use fee, as determined annually. This election is made by informing the Membership Chair of the intent and by payment of the non-use fee. If there is a lessor that leases the eligible share and the member does not need to pay the annual dues. If no lease is completed on the eligible share, the member is still responsible for the annual dues, less the already-paid non-use fee.