Party Policies

Adopted July 26, 2017

Editorial changes July 15, 2023

1. The Basics:

Hosting a party and sharing the fun at VAC is one of the benefits of being a Member (In the rest of this set of policies, the term “Member” encompasses VAC shareholders, leaseholders, and passholders). The VAC must balance this benefit with the need to manage our capacity requirements so that as many Members as possible can enjoy the pool.

1.1 For purposes of these policies, a Party is defined as a group with 10 or more non-Member guests. Any Party must be hosted by a Member and must be scheduled in advance with the VAC pool manager or VAC pool manager’s designee. The host Member MUST remain on-site throughout the party, arriving before the admittance of the first guest to arrive and departing after the last guest to leave.

1.2 Parties at the VAC are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be a few occasions of peak use (including, but not limited to, the last day of public school, July 4, and Labor Day) when the VAC will limit parties at its discretion. The manager and VAC Board of Directors can refuse, adjust, or limit the size, duration, or scope of a party at its discretion.

1.3 All guests will comply with the same VAC rules that the Members do and will follow the directions of the lifeguard staff. The host Members will be responsible for the conduct of their guests. Lifeguard staff responsibilities do not include cleanup or babysitting for the party.

1.4 At the start of the party, VAC may require that the group have a short briefing with the manager on duty to review safety and conduct rules, conduct a swim test for swimmers under 12, and answer any questions.

1.5 There must be one adult for every 5 children under 15 years of age.

1.6 Parties may book one or more areas of the pool:

  • The Pavilion (approximate capacity: 30)

  • The Left Side of the back deck (approximate capacity: 30 )

  • The Right Side of the back deck (approximate capacity: 30)

Note that booking half the deck means that other patrons may be using the other half during your party.  Or, there may be another party.

1.7 No parties are considered to be booked until the application is approved AND the deposit is received and logged by the pool manager/VAC Board designee. Any Guests must pay regular guest fees. More information about Guest Fees is on the VAC website.

1.8 The facility Capacity Management Policy will remain in effect at all times.

1.9 Parties of more than 25 people (not counting just guests) require approval from the VAC Operations Chair as well as the pool manager. Please provide at least 2 weeks notice. After filling out the party application, the party host will send an email request for a party of 25 people or more to the VAC Operations Chair: and await confirmation of the party.

2. The Process

2.1 Prior to Party

Turn in the completed VAC Pool Party application at the Pool Office. Please provide as much lead time as possible. Remember that applications are first-come, first-served and may be limited or denied based on the VAC expectations of use.   Requirements include:

  1. The details: date, host name, contact information, location, # of attendees, etc.

  2. A $50 deposit, refundable after cleanup.

Party reservations are not guaranteed until the paperwork is done, the deposit made, and any additional approvals (for instance for parties over 25) secured.


  1. Cancellations with less than 24 hour notice forfeit the deposit.

  2. There is no charge if an unscheduled closing of the pool causes the cancellation of a party. The VAC will try to accommodate rescheduling as the result of an unscheduled closing.

2.2 Day of Party                             

  1. Stop at pool office to confirm your party and leave a sign-in attendee list with the front office. Your guest list must include the names of all non-members who will be attending the party.

  2. Pay for all guests.

  3. The party host should stay at front desk to welcome guests and sign them in.

2.3 Conclusion of Party                                     

  1. Remove all trash on tables and surrounding area, placing it in trash cans/recycling bins.

  2. Cart all trash bags to the dumpster. Put all recyclables in appropriate containers. Guards must focus on water safety and pool maintenance and will not function as cleanup staff for large groups.

  3. Re-line the garbage cans with fresh bags(the guards will have these supplies) and cart all recyclables to the recycling dumpster

  4. The deposit will be refunded after all financial obligations are met and an inspection of picnic area is completed by the manager.