Notice Regarding Operations Under Phase 1
We are operating in unusual times and under unusual restraints and concerns. Under Phase 1, State and County guidelines limit usage of VAC to lap lane swimming only, with only one swimmer in each lane. VAC’s primary concern is for member and staff safety. To that end, we need everyone to cooperate and follow the following guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Code of Conduct During Phase 1
If you are running a fever or otherwise do not feel well, or have tested positive or been exposed to someone testing positive for COVID‑19 within the past 14 days, please cancel your time slot and do not come to the pool.
Prior to coming to VAC, you must reserve a lane for a one-hour slot. You may not enter VAC until the beginning time of your time slot, and must leave VAC at or before the end of your time slot.
Please limit your use of the pool house as much as possible. The toilets, showers and washbasins will be available, but to minimize risk, we ask members to come ready to swim, exit VAC as soon as they are finished swimming laps, and to not use the pool house to change clothes.
Please observe social distancing of at least 10 feet.
Under Phase 1, the Commonwealth of Virginia requires individuals to wear masks whenever inside the pool house in order to protect our staff and fellow members. A healthy staff and membership will maximize our ability to remain open this summer.
Please enter and exit the pool from your lane, and stay in your lane while using the pool. Due to State and County regulations, you must stay in your lane even if the person in the adjacent lane is in your household. You may not cross lane lines except in an emergency. For members with mobility issues, Lanes 1, 3 and 8 each provide ladder access, and lane 8 also has the walk-in access from the shallow end.
As always, please be respectful and follow all directions from the guard staff. They are there for your health and safety. We all have a responsibility not to place our staff and fellow members at undue risk. If members do not follow this code of conduct or directions from the guard staff, they may be banned from using the pool during Phase 1, and potentially for the entire 2020 season.
Preliminary procedures for allocating lanes and handling conflicts and no shows
VAC will work to ensure that our swim lanes are allocated equitably to all members wishing to utilize the pool for lap swimming during Phase 1.
Please be considerate in requesting lane space; only reserve lane space you will use, and cancel reservations as soon as you determine you will not be using the lane. Members not using reserved lane spaces may lose the privilege of signing up for lane swimming.
Households may sign up for multiple lanes in the same time slot using a single share number. However, be aware that if lane availability becomes an issue, VAC will work to fairly allocate access for all members which may result in reserved lanes being canceled to accommodate other members.
Questions or concerns regarding these procedures should be directed to