Procedures for Pool Use (Phase 1)

  1. When you arrive at the VAC for your reserved time, please line up in front of the entrance to the pool house. Markers will be placed on the ground to assist your social distancing. Please make sure you are wearing a mask.

  2. Wait at the social distance marker at the front doors until the front desk attendant invites you to approach. If someone is in front of you, please stand at the next social distance marker until the person in front moves forward. The queue is marked on the asphalt and will extend toward the left (west) with the end in the direction of the side gate.

  3. When the person in front of you enters the bathhouse, step forward to the front desk and provide your name and share number. The front desk attendant behind the acrylic barrier will check you in. The barrier and distancing are to protect both patrons and staff.

  4. After checking in, please proceed through the bathroom to the pool deck. When exiting the bathroom to the pool deck, please proceed directly to your lane. Swimmers in lanes 1, 3, 5, and 7 enter the pool from your right hand (east) side and swimmers in lanes 2, 4, 6, and 8 enter the pool from the left-hand (west) side. Benches will be located along the fence line for swimmers to place their belongings and towels.

  5. Swimmers must stay in their assigned lane. Do not cross a lane line except in an emergency.

  6. At the end of your swim period, guards will blow one long whistle and announce the end of the swim. Please promptly exit your lane at the same side entered, and gather your belongings. If you finish before the swim period is over, please exit via the bathhouse.

  7. Please exit VAC through the side gate which will be opened for patrons exiting the pool. Social distancing markers will help you maintain a safe distance.