Swim Team Responsibilities

The following documents the relationship between the Vienna Aquatic Club and the Vienna Aquatic Club swim team.

VAC shall contribute the following to its swim team committee annually:

1. $7,000 to help finance a portion of the swim team’s normal and reasonable costs;

2. All insurance premiums incurred by the swim team that are necessary to support practices and swim meets that may be required over and above the normal pool operating insurance; and

3. Major capital expenses such as lane lines and electronic starter.

VAC’s contribution shall be paid to the treasurer of the swim team committee in a lump-sum payment annually. VAC’s contribution should be recorded in expense code "14 - Swim Team" when paid. Any changes to these contributions shall be approved by a majority of VAC’s Board of Directors.

The swim team committee shall provide to the VAC Board of Directors:

1. A copy of the swim team committee’s year-end financial statement in October or November,

2. Names of potential coaching candidates, prior to their being offered a contract, for the Board’s approval, and

3. A copy of each contract to be offered to a coach or assistant coach for the Board’s approval.

During the swim season, the Swim Team Committee and the Swim Team will be responsible for:

1. Putting the lane lines and reels away after each use,

2. Setting up for Saturday meets and setting up the pool after meets,

3. Locking the bathhouse doors and fence gates on Saturday mornings when going to an away meet,

4. Keeping the swim team members out of the office and supervising their behavior in the bathrooms during practices when the pool is not open,

5. Reminding all swim team members and coaches to leave the pool premises when the manager closes the pool for the evening,

6. Reminding all swim team parents that after evening swim practice their children who are fourteen (14) and under years of age will not be allowed to remain at the pool unless accompanied by an adult member of their family,

7. All coaches posting their Fairfax County Pool Operator’s License in the pool office prior to the first swim team practice,

8. The chemical feeders being turned on prior to every practice when the pool has not been previously opened to members that day, and

9. Following the same rules that govern pool operation when open to the membership, such as no eating on deck, during all swim team functions including practices.

During the swim season, the Pool Manager will be responsible for:

1. Cleaning the pool, bathhouse and bathrooms before every swim meet, especially the night before early morning meets, and

2. Setting up for evening swim meets and helping the swim team members set up the pool after Saturday meets.

The pool manager has the sole responsibility for the pool group swim lessons in the morning including hiring all instructors. Any other pool member or pool employees may give private swim lessons during any time the pool is open, and pool employees may give individual private lessons during the breaks. The swim team coaches may give group lessons to swim team members as mutually agreed between the coaches and the pool manager.

VAC’s policy relative to the amount of its contribution to the swim team committee is intended to:

1. Provide the Board with a consistent policy from year-to-year,

2. Provide a reasonable level of financial support to the swim team committee,

3. Clarify the Board’s position that its contribution is not directly linked to variances in costs incurred by the swim team committee from year-to-year except for insurance.

4. Avoid placing VAC in a position of having to finance the independent decisions of the swim team committee officers,

5. Not restrict the choices of the swim team committee to specify items or amounts VAC’s Board of Directors will directly finance,

6. Allow the swim team committee to establish its own salaries, objectives, and programs consistent with its ability and willingness to finance such amounts, and

7. Avoid annual hassles over the amount of VAC’s contribution to the swim team committee.

Revised September 30, 1996

Revised May 19, 2008

Revised June 12, 2008

Minor editorial updates July 16, 2023 during website rebuild